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HeartUnions Week: 10-16 February 2025

HeartUnions Week: 10-16 February 2025
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Welcome to Accord

The modern trade union for staff in Lloyds Banking Group, TSB & other financial services.

We're your voice at work.

More about unions Join us today

We're your voice at work

Accord offers professional advice and support to our members. As a union, we believe there’s a right way to achieve results - and that's through constructive relationships with employers and other unions.

By keeping the lines of communication open, even when we disagree or can’t get what we want, we can find a way to make the situation better.

When you join Accord, you’re joining more than just a union – you’re joining a family with over 21,000 other members. Together, we’re a loud voice, championing the things that really matter to you at work.

We're a driving force for positive change

We're a driving force for positive change

Change is inevitable, but Accord ensures your voice is heard. Accord uses diplomacy, backed by sound reasoning and your feedback, to make sure your employer listens to colleagues.

We're a driving force for positive change - we help secure better working conditions and fair pay. 

Our latest pay deal at Lloyds Banking Group for 2024 and 2025 adds nearly £350 million to members’ salaries.

We're ready for the future of banking

We're ready for the future of banking

We’re ready for the future of banking. With the rapid changes in how customers bank and the rise of AI, we’re focused on avoid redundancies through redeployment and retraining and have secured enhanced compensation for when job losses are unavoidable.

Together with Lloyds Banking Group we've working hard to safeguard employment in the future. We're focused on providing opportunities for skill development and career growth. A Skills Council is there to guide investment in career development and Union Skills Champions help identify and promote training opportunities.

Accord directly supports our members to upskill through our Lifelong Learning Fund - an additional perk of our membership. We provide grants to support members learning, and self-development journey.

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What Accord can do for you

When you join Accord, you're joining more than just a union - you're joining an extended family with over 21,000 other members! Our members trust us to work on their behalf to improve conditions, negotiate pay and so much more. These are some of the things that we do for our members:

Higher pay, better work benefits

Higher pay, better work benefits

Working people standing together and collectively negotiating with employers means that union members generally get:

  • higher rates of pay and annual pay rises
  • better sick pay
  • more holidays
  • improved access to flexible working arrangements
  • plus, many other policy provisions improved beyond legal minimum requirements like maternity, paternity and adoption pay and leave

This is because unions negotiate with employers, rather than leaving it to managers to decide.

For over 45 years, Accord has been achieving improvements for members. All through constructive dialogue with your employer.

Throughout the year, our team of experienced negotiators talk to your employer about policies and procedures that govern the way you're treated at work. Things like better parental leave and pay policies, how performance is managed and how issues are resolved fairly. We demand first class safety in the workplace - our record and your employer's treatment of workers during the Covid-19 pandemic speaks for itself.

Safer & healthier working life

Safer & healthier working life

Unions tackle the causes of ill health at work, not just the symptoms. That means lower accident and injury rates, less stress and better understanding and support for those with mental health problems. Every year, unions collectively train 10,000 workers in health & safety.

Workplaces are safer where there's a strong union presence - you only need to look at the responses of unionised workplaces during the Covid-19 pandemic. Trained reps spot unsafe working practices and cut accident rates. That’s why workplaces with union representation have significantly lower injury rates. That's a fact.

Accord works constructively with employers to negotiate safe working practices and to make sure you're always treated with dignity and respect. 

We champion inclusion and diversity. Dignity at work is one of our key goals, and we work alongside employers—and you—to find empathetic solutions to workplace issues.

Support at work

Support at work

We genuinely hope your employment is happy and fulfilling. But should you run into problems, Accord has your back.

Every year, we support thousands of members who have run into problems at work - from smaller issues like getting holiday approved, to more significant challenges like facing disciplinary action. We make sure you're treated fairly – without you having to worry about paying for legal support. Whether the problem is with employment contracts, harassment, redundancy, pensions or discrimination - your union will be there to help you.

In 2024, we supported more than 600 members in formal meetings - that's roughly 12 colleagues every week who might otherwise have had to handle tough situations on their own.

Our dedicated, skilled team of officers and legal advisers are really accessible. They provide individual advice, support and representation at grievance, health wellbeing & attendance, performance, or disciplinary meetings, and are on hand to talk you through any other work-related matter that crops up.

Strength comes from solidarity. We have over 350 workplace reps who are well-trained, approachable, and ready to offer advice and guidance. Supported by Accord's professional team, they ensure you have both local and expert support whenever you need it.

Additional perks of membership

Additional perks of membership

There are many additional benefits that come with your Accord union membership which provide you extra value for your money. Here's a list of the membership benefits and links to get further information.

  • Private healthcare cashback
  • Lifelong learning fund
  • Subscription draw
  • Accord travel club
  • Legal services
  • Will writing
  • Commission cashback
  • Free subs while on maternity / parental leave
Find out about our additional membership perks

Our voice is louder and stronger when we join together. That's why workers join a union. And that's why many in Lloyds Banking Group and TSB join Accord.

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What our members say…

Accord were there for me during a particularly difficult time for me recently.

I was unfortunate enough to fall down the stairs, and I fractured two vertebrae in the bottom of my back.

Having Accord there behind me meant that I knew I'd get the support that I needed and that stress was shared.

Jane Bunting
Join us today

You don't wait for something to happen before you take out insurance, as it were. You put a plan in place to make sure you've got support when there's something wrong.

I don't think being a member of a union is something optional. It's something that's well needed. You wake up and you spend 8 hours a day at work, five days a week. You're there more than any other place, so you want it to be the best place for you. Don't suffer in isolation.

Yemi Olayemi
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