Completion time: 5 mins
This is the name you would prefer to be known by. This doesn’t have to be your legal first name. You may also know this as your given name.
You may also know this as your family name.
Contact address Change address
For international numbers select your country code in the dropdown(s)
We use this email address to communicate with you as a member of the union. We also need this email address to enable you to save and retrieve your progress through this form. You can find out how we use your data in our Privacy policy
I’ve had dealings with three different unions over the years and Accord have by far been the best for representation, knowledge and willingness to support you as an individual. I feel everyone should be a member of a union. You never know when you’re going to need them. And when you do, you need the best – and I believe Accord is.
We are unable to offer full representation, including legal advice, for problems that arose before you joined Accord. You can still join Accord, even with a pre-existing workplace issue, but bear in mind that we only offer new members who join with an existing issue telephone and email advice - we can’t offer representation for that particular issue. If something new arises during your membership, you'll be entitled to full support and representation, as long as you’ve continued to pay your membership subscription. You can read more about our terms & conditions of membership online.
If you are/were a member of another union, we may use this information to contact them about your membership application. If you're happy for us to use your data for this purpose, please tick here.
Any information given in this section will be strictly confidential. By ticking any of the boxes in this section you have consented for Accord to use your data for monitoring purposes, to help target our communications and improve our membership benefits and services. It will also enable us to check we’re meeting our commitment to promoting equal opportunities for all members.
I wish to purchase the following number of tickets for each month's draw at a cost of £1 each* (please select the number of tickets you require below).
If you do not wish to buy any tickets, tick “No tickets, thank you”.
* The amount is added to your monthly membership payment
Please read the Accord subscription draw rules here.
Not only have I received amazing support from Accord, I was lucky enough to get the call to tell me that I’d won the top prize of £5,000 in the monthly lottery draw! I couldn’t believe it. For the little price I pay for my union membership, the perks out way it massively. It’s the first time I have ever won anything. I would highly recommend joining the draw to other members. You never know, it could be you next!
I understand that the signed authority I have given means the first payment for my Accord subscription will be taken after the date of my signed authority. I understand that my Accord subscription will continue until I withdraw my authority by cancelling my membership in writing giving one month’s notice. I understand that Accord can, from time to time, in accordance with its Rules, increase the subscription fee due and I hereby consent to any such change. For more information, see Accord’s terms and conditions
I further agree that Accord may process my personal data in accordance with its Privacy Policy.
The information you have provided will be retained on Accord's membership database. Do you agree to your details from our membership database being included in data exchanges between Accord and your employer? If you agree, changes to some of your employment information like hours, location, job title will be automatically updated. But it remains your responsibility to cancel your union membership with us direct – this can’t be done by agreeing to the data exchange. If you do not agree, it is your responsibility to update Accord of any changes to your employment details. You can find more information on how we use your data in Accord’s Privacy Policy.
It's important we keep in touch with our members so you know exactly what we're talking to your employer about – especially the things that may impact you. But first, we need to know if you're happy to receive updates from us. Don't worry – we'll never bombard you with emails, texts or letters. And we'll never try and sell you products or services. We’ll only ever get in touch when we think it’s something you’ll want to hear from us about.
By sliding the toggle to the right (the colour will change to green), you are opting in to receive that communication type and method. If you don’t slide the toggle and leave it to the left, you are opting out of receiving that type and method of communication.
Before we proceed, please confirm:
You know your bank details?
Save your progress using the button below so you can fill in your bank details later
Is the bank account in your name?
Are you the only signatory required to authorise this Direct Debit?
As you answered No to one or both of these questions, if you’re not the main account holder or if you hold a joint account requiring two signatures, you’ll need to:
Download Direct Debit mandate
Instruction to your bank or building society to pay by Direct Debit
To set up your Direct Debit instruction online, you’ll need to provide your bank details – account name, account number and sort code.
Direct Debit Details Thanks for choosing to join Accord. Your membership fee is: £10.50 a month
Please fill in your bank details below to complete your Direct Debit Instruction.
I’m an Accord member because knowing I have counsel and the listening ear of a rep, regardless how big or small my concern, gives me the backing I need when times are challenging.
Need help? Use our online chat service or call: 0118 934 1808 (9am-5pm)