You searched for "equality"
Displaying of 153 results
Motions: Dignity at work
Find out about Accord's dignity at work agenda for 2022-2024, as decided at #AccordConference2022
Motions: Accord and external
Find out about updates to Accord's policies & other external matters for 2022-2024, as decided at #AccordConference2022
Motions for debate at conference
Access the full list of motions to be debated at #AccordConference2022. We'll keep this list updated with what happens to the motion at conference, and we've linked to the full agenda which includes motions that won't be debated at conference but will be passed to the incoming PEC to decide upon.
Delegate pack
Access your virtial delegate pack for #AccordConference2022
TUC Equality Conferences 2022
Every year the TUC hosts equality conferences that supplement the general work of TUC congress. These conferences focus on supporting the advancement of issues that disproportionally impact minority groups, and Accord is seeking diverse representation to attend the events.
Guidance: Understanding menopause
Menopause affects us all. Not just women of “a certain age”. Find out more about menopause, the effects, and the support that's available. For members in Lloyds Banking Group (LBG), TSB and others.
Interview with Lisa Earp
An interview with Accord member and Senior Bank Manager, Lisa Earp, on her experience of perimenopause and how she got the help she needed. Part of Accord's menopause activity month.
LGBTQ+ awareness
We've got information for you about LGBTQ+ related issues, dates of awareness events such as Transgender day of visibility, and other useful links - plus lots of sources of support #LGBTQ+
Menopause activity month
Menopause affects us all, not just women of “a certain age”. All of us – in one way or another. We've continued our joint work with Lloyds Banking Group to remove the stigma from the word menopause and to improve awareness and support. That’s why we’re using January as ‘menopause activity month’.
President & PEC Election Regulations 2022 – 2024
President & Principal Executive Council Election Regulations 2022 – 2024
Unfair treatment at work: Your rights
In this guidance we'll help you understand the options available to you to deal with unfair treatment at work, whether that's informally or through a formal grievance.
Bullying & harassment: Your rights
Bullying and harassment is behaviour that makes someone feel intimidated or offended. In this guidance, we'll help you understand what you can do if you're being bullied or harassed.
TUC Equality Conferences 2022
Every year the TUC hosts equality conferences that supplement the general work of TUC congress. These conferences focus on supporting the advancement of issues that disproportionally impact minority groups, and Accord is seeking diverse representation to attend the events.
TSB Newsround - November 2021
This November newsround for members in TSB provides an update on the bank's Q3 results and what that means for our pay negotiations, the increased demand for Accord reps, an update on health and wellbeing, menopause support and more.
Back to the office: managing anxiety & a safe return
We teamed up with the Bank Workers Charity for a wellbeing webinar to explore the relationship between change, uncertainty and anxiety. We looked at some strategies we can adopt that will help us deal with any fears we have, to negotiate a safe return.
South Asian Heritage Month
South Asian Heritage Month seeks to raise the profile of British South Asian heritage and history in the UK through education, arts, culture and commemoration, with the goal of helping people to better understand the diversity of present-day Britain and improve social cohesion across the country.
Understanding grief & loss
We teamed up with the Bank Workers Charity for a wellbeing webinar to explore our understanding of grief and loss, how it can impact people, and what you can do and say to be supportive.
TSB Newsround - July 2021
This July newsround for members in TSB provides an update on the lifting of restrictions in England and what this means for staff, dealing with abusive customers, concerns about staffing issues, the impact of long Covid, and more.
Accord signs joint union statement on LGBT+ rights
Every year the TUC runs a campaign to coincide with Pride in London. This year the TUC and its affiliates are calling on the government to promote equality and eliminate discrimination against LGBT+ people and build an inclusive culture in words and deeds that supports LGBT+ people’s safety, dignity and equality so that LGBT+ people can thrive and live authentically.
of 153 results