Welcome from Ged
Welcome to the latest edition of our online magazine for members.
This edition marks the election of a new President of Accord to succeed Neil Magill who has held the position with distinction since 2020. You can read more from Neil on page 4.
The result will be declared shortly after the ballot closes on 19th March. The new President and the re-invigorated Principal Executive Council take office at the close of our biennial delegate conference in Glasgow on 19th April.
Conference is the key event in the union’s calendar. It gives members an opportunity, through their delegates, to review the union’s performance in the preceding two years and set its aims for the next two. It’s the pinnacle of our democratic accountability and we hope you’ll take a keen interest whether or not you’re a delegate. You can read more about conference on page 5.
The outputs from conference will set our agenda through to 2026. We’ll be pursuing this agenda in the context of continuing changes in the industry as banks adjust to the expected fall in interest rates leading to a downturn in profits from traditional banking.
And we’ll be facing into the challenge of adapting to technological changes which are driving the pace of change in the way we live and work. That pace will never be as slow in the future as it is now. And that’s a massive challenge facing us all.
Since our last magazine, both TSB and Lloyds Banking Group have announced the variable pay awards that staff will enjoy in February and March respectively before the pay increases we’ve negotiated are applied in April.
Through this, the challenges on security of employment and creating the best possible lives at work for our members won’t stop. Both LBG and TSB continue to re-organise their businesses, cut jobs and close branches.
As always, our President, Principal Executive Council members, all Accord’s staff and I will work tirelessly to protect and promote your employment interests.
As we get into spring, we’ll need your support too.
I’m delighted to report that Accord’s membership increased by 6% in 2023. Please play your part in helping us grow in 2024 too by encouraging any of your colleagues who aren’t members of Accord or Unite to join us. We’re holding our subscription level down to help – we’re still charging the same subscription rates as we did in 2019.
Thanks for being a member of Accord.
Very best wishes