We caught up with both in-person and online delegates to get their thoughts and feedback on Conference 2022.
We spoke to Yemi Olayemi, a workplace and pool rep from the Halifax Milton Keynes branch, about her first experience at conference.
For me it's been really nice to meet in person rather than over Teams. We’ve just really gelled these past few days which has been fantastic.
Jennifer See
Going back to my branches, I’d encourage more members to speak up when they’ve got a problem with things like the pay proposals. It’s important they use their voice.
Jessica Carter
I think the hybrid conference was a complete success and the team at Accord should all be very proud of what they achieved. Roll on 2024!
In-person delegate
It was perfect. From the moment I arrived it was fantastic, professional, well organised, friendly and much more!
In-person delegate
I loved the debates and meeting other delegates. It was a rewarding experience. Great job by the Accord team!
In-person delegate
I really enjoyed the whole experience as an online delegate - I felt like I was there!
Online delegate
Everything worked well online and the agenda was very engaging. The President did an excellent job chairing the conference.
Online delegate
Really enjoyed being part of the event as an online delegate. Thanks for all your hard work in organising the event, it really paid off.
Online delegate
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