At Accord, we respect everyone’s right to privacy, and want to keep your personal data private if you use our services. Our privacy policy sets out what you can expect from Accord in how we collect and use any data about you.
Our privacy policy reflects our duties under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Data Protection Act (DPA) 2018 and all applicable Privacy and Electronic Communication Regulations (PECR). It describes how we use personal data fairly, keep it secure, make sure it’s accurate and uphold your rights as a data subject.
In 2021 we launched online training which all of our union reps will be expected to review periodically and adhere to the standards and behaviours we've set out - it's part of our rep induction programme which can be reviewed online.
Our website uses ‘cookies’, which are sent from the website’s servers to your computer or mobile phone and stored on your device and may then be sent back to our website’s servers with updated data as you browse. Our cookie policy provides information the types of cookies we use, how we use them, and how to disable them.