Everything you need to know about conference.
We aim to make conference accessible for everyone, no matter what your needs may be. We ask all delegates to let us know what requirements you may have so that we can make any necessary arrangements.
The hotel is fully accessible and has a number of accessible bedrooms which have bigger bathrooms, more space around the bed, stability handles and an emergency pull cord. All other bedrooms have walk-in showers and are accessible using the lifts. These will be allocated to delegates who request one in their delegate requirement form. The event floor is fully accessible with lifts to the ground floor with access to accessible bathrooms.
We'll be providing a prayer & quiet room for delegates to use throughout conference.
If you have any requirements during conference, do let us know at [email protected].
Covid procedures during conference
The following guidance should be followed by all conference attendees.
It's important that we all act responsibly and support each other, particularly those who are most at risk from Covid, or are providing care to other vulnerable people. By following these guidelines as much as is practically possible you're helping us keep everyone at conference safe.
We ask that anyone who experiences any Covid symptoms does not attend conference.
Should you develop any of the symptoms of Covid during conference, we ask you to take steps to isolate yourself from your fellow delegates and contact our Conference Liaison officer, Krisna Lakhani.
It’s personal choice whether you wish to wear a mask during the conference sessions, and we would ask you to be respectful of people's decisions. If you’re uncomfortable being around others who aren't wearing masks, talk to us and we'll ensure we can accommodate a safe space for you during the conference sessions.
It's important to continue good handwashing practice. Hands should be regularly washed with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. In addition to this, hand sanitiser will be available throughout the venue.
All personal belongings, including papers, should be removed at the end of each day of conference to allow delegate tables to be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected in the evenings. Don't leave anything in the conference hall unless it's rubbish to be disposed of.
What’s the dress code?
Conference is pretty relaxed so we advise delegates to wear business-casual attire. Delegates like dressing up for our dinner on the Thursday evening – some will wear dresses/suits whilst others will wear jeans and blouses/shirts. It’s completely up to individual preference!
After dinner, there’ll be music and dancing for those who want to stay, so wear what makes you feel comfortable.
What’s the start and finish times for conference?
Registration will open at 9am on Thursday 18th April. The first session will kick off promptly at 9:30am.
The event will draw to a close around 1pm on Friday 19th April.
Will I be able to submit an emergency motion?
Emergency motions may be admitted to the agenda during conference as per the arrangements of standing orders. Emergency motions must be lodged with the Standing Orders Committee by 6pm on Thursday, 18th April and must refer to circumstances which did not exist, or information which was not available, before the declared closing date for the receipt of conference motions (20th March 2024) - for example it could be a matter arising as a result of a business announcement that occurred after the closure of the original date for submission of motions.
Emergency motions should be submitted by email to [email protected]
Can we post about the event on social media?
Yes – but be careful and use your common sense when posting. We know it’s an exciting occasion but remember, you should consider yourself ‘at work’ whilst at conference.
If you’d like to post about conference on social media, use #AccordConference2024
Prayer/quiet room
The Forth Room located on the conference floor will be set aside for the duration of conference as a room for prayer, quiet and reflection. We'll have signage available throughout conference directing you to the room, and a reminder of this information will be available through the conference app.
We'd ask you to be respectful to others who may be using this room, and to refrain from using the room as a place to make phone calls or hold other conversations.
Photo & video consent
Photos and videos will be taken at conference which may include images of anyone in attendance. Accord may use these images and videos on our website, in newsletters, our member magazine or other promotional materials relating to the advertising of Accord. We may also attribute words to individuals speak on a motion, or if any individual agrees to be interviewed for a case study.
We ask all delegates in attendance if they are happy to agree to this through our delegate registration process.
If you have provided you consent, you're telling us that you feel completely happy with us using your images/word, and that you are doing so with no pressure or obligation from us. You'll be giving us full permission to use these images and any personal information you supply to us in materials promoting or advertising Accord. The images will not be used for any other purpose. The copyright of any material generated shall be assigned the property of Accord.
If you change your mind after providing your consent, you can contact Accord and ask us not to use your image or words for any new purposes. In these situations, we will do our best to remove any existing materials too if you ask us to, but we can't guarantee this (for example materials already shared on social media by others or printed materials).
If you have any questions or concerns about this, please contact [email protected].
Voting on all motions will be by show of voting cards. Should an alternative system be used, then this will be explained by the conference Chair. Only delegates are permitted to vote.
How to vote:
Only delegates with voting rights will be given voting cards.
WiFi at the conference venue
Public/Guest WiFi is under “Hilton Honors” and is available throughout the event floors and bedrooms.
Seating plan for conference
We don't have a specific seating plan for ordinary delegates at conference 2024. So you're free to choose who to sit with and where. We've set up the tables to ensure that everyone at a table can see the conference stage, so we'd ask you not to move the chairs around.
We have reserved specific tables for guests, staff and the PEC, so please avoid using these tables.
I've got a question that's not answered here
If you have any other questions about conference, please email [email protected] and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.
Everything you need to know about travelling to conference, your accommodation, and how to claim expenses.
Do I need to book my own travel arrangements?
Yes, it’s up to you to book your travel. We ask delegates to book their travel as soon as possible to take advantage of the cheapest fares.
You’ll be able to claim back your travel costs using the online expenses claim form. See question on how to claim back travel expenses for more info.
What is the easiest way to travel to conference?
Conference is being held at the Hilton Hotel in central Glasgow.
We’re recommending that delegates travel by train. Glasgow Central Station is only half a mile from the hotel (approx. 15-minute walk).
For those flying, Glasgow airport is nine miles from the hotel. You can catch the 500 Glasgow Express bus from the airport to central Glasgow which takes around 15 minutes. The service runs between every 12-15 minutes, 7 days a week. For more details see the official service.
Parking is available at the hotel for those travelling by car. Parking is chargeable at £12 per day for delegates, claimable on expenses. There are 14 EV charging stations in underground car park at the hotel.
Regardless of how you travel, we ask that you consider the environmental impact of your travel when making your arrangements.
Tell me about parking at the hotel
Parking is available at the hotel for those travelling by car.
Parking is chargeable at £12 per day for delegates, claimable on expenses.
There are 14 EV charging stations in underground car park at the hotel.
How do I claim back expenses for food and travel?
We’ll reimburse your travel costs to the conference venue and will provide most of your food - but there may be times where you need to sort yourself out (see above). You should submit your expenses via the online expenses claim form available on the Accord website. You can do this prior to conference or after.
You must remember to keep ALL receipts for anything you claim back and upload them to your claim form. We cannot pay claims that are not supported by valid receipts.
You don't need to submit a claim for your evening meal on Wednesday 17th April, or for your lunch on Friday 19th April. We're giving you an allowance of £40, and £10 respectively which will be credited to your bank account ahead of your attendance.
Claim expenses
Has my accommodation been booked?
If you’ve confirmed you’ll need accommodation on your delegate requirements form, then yes. A room will have been booked for you at the Hilton hotel.
Will the hotel provide breakfast, lunch and dinner?
In short, yes. But there are some occasions where you’ll need to sort yourself out. Here’s a summary of when you’ll be fed and how much you can claim back:
Wednesday 17th April
Thursday 18th April
Friday 19th April
Do I need to check-in when I arrive?
We recommend that delegates arrive on Wednesday 17th April as conference will be kicking off early on Thursday morning. Check-in will be available on arrival after 3pm.
For those arriving with accommodation only on Thursday 18th April, luggage storage will be provided, and your room will be available after 3pm. On arrival, make your way to the main conference room to sign in and collect your conference pack – there’ll be lots of staff on-hand to point you in the right direction.
Can I use the leisure facilities at the Hilton hotel?
Yes. The hotel has a gym and a pool.
The gym is free to use throughout your stay, so you can keep up your workout routine while you're away from home.
There is a £10 charge for the use of the pool. Ask at reception for details.