President & PEC elections 2022/2024
Following the closure of the self-nomination process for the President & Principal Executive Council (PEC) elections on 17 December 2021, one member self-nominated for the role of President and 17 for seats on the PEC.
Therefore, elections will not be necessary. However, all self-nominees will still have to secure the required number of supporting nominations to validate their position.
The candidate for president must secure the support of at least 50 members. And for a seat on the PEC, each candidate must secure the support of at least 10 members.
Neil Magill, the nominee for President and the current post-holder, said:

How to vote
Any fully paid up members wishing to support candidates should visit the following website and follow the on-screen directions:
The website will close at 5pm on Friday 21 January 2022.
The regulations which govern the elections are available here.
The successful candidates will take office from the end of the 2022 biennial delegate conference which will take place in May. Their period of office will run until the end of the biennial delegate conference in 2024.
Any queries about the election process should be referred to: [email protected]
Any technical difficulties with the Mi-Voice nomination site should be referred to: [email protected]