Members say YES to pay review 2022
The independent ballot scrutineer, Civica Election Services (CES), reported that 51.7% of eligible Accord members in LBG voted in the consultative ballot on the 2022 pay proposals - a record turnout.
And of those, just under 60% answered ‘yes’ to the question: Do you think that Accord should sign an agreement to implement the proposals?
Members were sent this short video message from Accord's General Secretary, Ged Nichols:
The pay proposals were the most controversial for years.
Members hopes and needs are driven by the economic consequences of the pandemic and the tragic war in Ukraine, higher inflation, interest rates and the cost of living crisis. And these problems aren't going away any time soon.
The pay offer for 2022 doesn’t fully insulate Lloyds Banking Group employees from these difficult realities, but a clear majority of those voting were in favour of signing an agreement with LBG to implement the proposals with effect from 1st April.
The certificate from the scrutineer is available to view here.
So, with the permission of Accord’s Executive Council, Accord will now do two things:
- Firstly, ask Lloyds Banking Group to pay all the salary increases that are due from 1st April.
- Secondly, ask Lloyds Banking Group to meet with us to consider the issues and concerns that have been raised in the ballot with a view to taking steps to address these, as far as is possible, ahead of Pay 2023. The 40% of members who voted against the offer can’t and won’t be ignored.
Any members who voted No and want more information or would like to discuss personal views, please email: [email protected]
Thank you to everybody who voted.