Portrait of a cheerful black woman with a megaphone in her hands

According to you

This is your chance to have a say about the things that matter to you.

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Woman holding head with stress - iStock image

A worrying future for branches

Many of us in the branch network found ourselves in completely new roles in February. 

Band Es who have never used the Colleague Resourcing Tool (CRT) are suddenly planning staffing for large pools, Band Ds who have no experience with Banking Consultants are having to lead business performance, people are in different branches with different teams, all being led by Senior Managers and Area Teams who themselves are in new roles and still learning.

Demands are being piled high with a need for performance to be now, instead of grown through behaviours over time, resourcing reduced, IT still not up to scratch, and the big change of Banking Made Easy (BME) to embed.

I'm shocked to find that after such a short period of time, Area Directors are talking about ‘Back to Your Best’ plans, which with the recent changes, now make colleagues very worried about the future. I've never known branch management to be so stressed as a population with so many wanting to leave the network.

Surely, there should be more time for colleagues to adjust and learn? Capabilities for long-term sustainability and performance need this time. Cynics say this is the way to avoid redundancies / retraining when branches close - manage people out now through B2YB.

*Name not supplied

Shoutout for Stevie

I’d like to put a special mention in for Stevie Hynd, the Accord rep at Sainsbury’s Rosyth, for the endless hours he has put in to supporting dozens of colleagues over the last few weeks who have been going through a change of terms and conditions to their contracts. Stevie has assisted members with multiple meetings, as well as liaising with union officials and lawyers. On top of all of this, he also dedicates time to charity work and has so far this year been involved in fundraising for Andy Mans Club, Cancer Support and Child Bereavement – with more events planned.

Janette Fyfe
Stevie Hynd Photo Collage

Mini memoirs by Dennis Day

My Memoir typed on retro typewriter - iStock image

Mini memoirs by Dennis Day

I began my career with the Halifax in 1967 in Darlington. In those days it was all still pen and ink, we calculated interest on every transaction manually and hand-posted in massive ledgers.

Get in touch

This is your chance to have a say about the things that matter to you. If you want to make a point in a future edition of My Accord, get in touch. Simply email your letters to:  [email protected].

We reserve editorial rights and letters do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the union. We don’t publish letters received anonymously, but if you want us to withhold your name, let us know.