Q&A written on wood blocks

Ask your union

Accord receives lots of questions on a whole range of issues. Here are some of the things members are asking at the moment.

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Pool working – what are my rights?

Woman on a bike in cycle lane, alongside queue of cars

Pool working – what are my rights?

I have a question about pool working. Currently I walk to work so there’s no carbon footprint for my journey. However, when I’m asked to cover another branch, I must use public transport which massively inconveniences me, my values and LBG’s sustainability value.

Your questions answered

Making back time for dentist/doctor/hospital appointments

Our business area has recently started asking colleagues to make back time for GP, dentist or hospital appointments. Shift slides have been offered where possible to accommodate. However, if the appointment still falls within the working day, colleagues are being asked to make time back.

What is the union’s view of this?


The position is that, generally, colleagues are expected to make medical or dental appointments outside of their working hours.

But where that’s simply not possible, like hospital appointments for example, then LBG’s guidance states that you should, “talk to your manager to discuss your circumstances and agree what works for you and the business.” Our experience is that managers will usually agree to paid time off for staff to attend appointments over which they have no control.

If you think your LM is being unreasonable in their approach, get in touch to discuss your individual circumstances and we’ll advise further.



Travel & mobility

It currently takes me 20 minutes to get to work but I’ve been told I must support another branch one day per week that will take me and hour and a half to get to. I don’t think that’s reasonable as I have outside work commitments on that day that begin at a fixed time.

My line manager says I have no choice. Surely my contract doesn’t allow for this to happen?


LBG's travel and mobility policy states that, "In the majority of circumstances, the Group would consider proposing a change which results in a journey from home to work of up to 1¼ hours or approximately 25 miles, as reasonable.”

And your contract states that LBG may require you, from time to time where there is a business need, to work elsewhere in the UK on either a permanent or temporary basis. If you're asked to do this your individual circumstances should be considered when establishing the reasonableness of such a request.

From what you’ve said you’re being asked to follow a management instruction that’s outside of current Policy so you have every right to challenge it – both on the issue of travel time and the fact that your personal circumstances haven’t been properly considered. If you can’t sort this out locally, get back in touch and we’ll advise further.


Universal Credit – Bonus Award

Has the union ever addressed the issue faced by colleagues who receive Universal Credit? Effectively we get a zero bonus. Because my salary will increase in March when the bonus is paid, I won’t get any UC in April. So, effectively, I get no reward for working hard for LBG all year. Can the business look at vouchers or some other alternative. It feels so unfair.


We’ve discussed this issue with LBG at length to try to get some more value for members on Universal Credit and other benefits.

Everybody is sympathetic, but the design in the tax and benefits system is what it is. If LBG deliberately tried to increase employee reward through “avoidance” of the rules by, for example, paying GPS awards in shopping vouchers, it could be committing an offence. In a recent response they said:

“…There will be a number of potential tax/HMRC consequences of increased taxable income. Government policy isn’t one we can dictate and the more that benefit recipients earn, unfortunately HMRC/DWP take a progressive share. We are not in a position to tailor or defer income on an individual basis.”

We’ll keep trying to find ways of helping but LBG won’t breach government rules.

Man ready for travel with passport and tickets in hand, suitcase in background, but looking unhappy - cancelled travel plans

Questions about holidays

We frequently get questions to the union about holidays, booking time off, and what happens when you're sick but due on holiday. Here's a couple of those questions answered:

Holidays and sickness absence

I was recently signed unfit for work by my GP and was absent for 10 days. I had pre-booked a day’s holiday in that period. When I asked for it to be re-credited as I was covered by my Fit Note, my line manager refused. Is that right?


If you have a Fit Note that covered your period of sickness absence, you were right to ask for the day’s holiday back. Your line manager has the discretion to agree this request. If they refuse, please ask them for a full written rationale as to why they are denying your request and get back to us for further advice.


Holidays and Saturday working

We’ve been told we can no longer take Saturdays off as holiday. Is that right?


There is no Group Policy that prevents colleagues from taking holiday on Saturdays. It would be a ridiculous rule to implement given that most week or 2 weeks holidays include weekends. We can help you challenge if you can’t sort this out locally.

More of your questions answered

Deduction of bonus

I’ve had my bonus reduced because I was off work sick for several weeks last year – all of it was genuine and covered by a Fit Note.

Why have I had money taken off me?


In relation to sickness absence, The GPS principles state that any award should be reduced to reflect time spent on leave where this is more than 28 days. The only exception (i.e. excluded from absence totals) is pregnancy related illness. So, unfortunately, unless your absence was pregnancy related then the scheme principles have been applied correctly. Sorry it’s not better news.


Voluntary redundancy question

I’ve opted for voluntary redundancy (VR) as I’m affected by the community banks restructure. If I don’t get it, can I appeal? If I do get it and my package is worth over £30k (the tax-free element), can it be split between tax years so I avoid paying tax on all of it?


There is no appeal against not being granted voluntary redundancy but it might be worth a conversation with us if you don’t get what you want as we have a bumping register which may mean we can support you in applying to swap with another colleague who is facing compulsory redundancy but wants to stay with the business. In relation to the redundancy payment itself, there is no option to split the payments between tax years.


Ask your union

Do you have a burning issue you want an answer to? 

Get in touch and maybe it’ll help others who were thinking the same thing.

Send an email to: [email protected]