Weekly hours:
Actual salary (prior to April 2023):
For Lloyds Banking Group members
This pay calculator is for illustrative purposes only. There may be more complex personal circumstances that we can't cater for in our illustration. These include:
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Your full-time equivalent (FTE) salary:
Position in pay range vs April 2023 mid-point:
Confused about what FTE salary means?
FTE is an abbreviation of full-time equivelant - so when we talk about it in relation to salary, this is the pay that someone would receive if they worked 35 hours a week (the standard full-time contracts in Lloyds Banking Group.
To understand pay fully for a part-time colleague, we use FTE salary to compare your part-time salary against that of full-time equivelants.
You can calcuate FTE salary by dividing your actual salary by your contracted weekly hours and then times that by 35.
Position against pay range
To provide you with an illustration, we calculate your position in the pay range. Pay ranges can vary from 80% to 150% depending upon your grade - you can find more about LBG's pay system in our help article.
We use the April 2023 pay ranges to provide you with an accurate illustration.
Need help? Call: 01189 341 808 (9am-5pm)
This section tells you the following information:
Confused about what FTE salary means?
FTE is an abbreviation of full-time equivelant - so when we talk about it in relation to salary, this is the pay that someone would receive if they worked 35 hours a week (the standard full-time contracts in Lloyds Banking Group.
To understand pay fully for a part-time colleague, we use FTE salary to compare your part-time salary against that of full-time equivelants.
You can calcuate FTE salary by dividing your actual salary by your contracted weekly hours and then times that by 35.
Need help? Call: 01189 341 808 (9am-5pm)
Cash payment £
FTE salary £
Actual salary £
GPS in £
Flex 4% in £
New combined salary £