29 July 2022
Read our guidance below on health and safety at work.
And never more important as we navigate our way through the Covid-19 pandemic. Through our network of elected workplace reps and our team of paid officials, we’ve got your back.
All workers are entitled to work in environments where risks to their health and safety are properly controlled. Under health and safety law, the primary responsibility is down to employers. As your trade union, we hold your employer to account in this important area – making sure they take their responsibilities seriously and challenging them when they need to do more.
We’ve got a subject matter expert on our team who holds an MSc in Occupational Health and Safety Management, and the union’s General Secretary is a Board Member on the Health and Safety Executive.
With access to over 300 trained workplace reps who know how to assess hazards and sort things out quickly for you in your workplace, we’ve got your back.
We also provide access to a legal team if things go wrong and you get injured through your employer’s negligence.
If you don’t feel safe at work or feel your health is suffering because of the working environment, get in touch with your local Accord officer who will advise you on the best way to tackle the situation.
Health & Safety issues
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