2022 pay ballot analysis - the main headlines
We’ve carried out some further analysis on how members voted in the ballot on LBG’s 2022 pay proposals.
The main headlines are:
- When we analysed the voting by grade, a majority of members in every grade were in favour of the deal
- This pattern of support was the same whether members were in workplaces or working from home
- We also had the same pattern of support whether members work full-time or part-time
- Overall, male responders were less positive than women - particularly in grades C & D and we’re doing some further analysis on this
- The responses were positive irrespective of length of service
- Staff in grades A & B and those who have salaries in the Market Plus Zone or above their grade maxima felt most strongly that there is inadequate recognition for long service and loyalty
Members in LBG were sent this short video message from Accord's General Secretary, Ged Nichols.
You can view the slides mentioned in the video here.
Next steps
There are lots of issues emerging from the ballot results that need to be addressed. This include:
- Grade inflexibility
- Ability to progress through pay ranges
- Pay rates in relation to other organisations
- Job role specific complaints - for example, from members in Fraud & Disputes and Mortgage and Protection Advisers
We’ll send a further update next week following our talks with the Group.
We all want to emerge stronger from this. So, it’s time to press for real and meaningful changes.
Any queries should be sent to: [email protected]