Accord Vice Presidents elected
Accord’s Principal Executive Council (PEC) has elected Allison Howie and Donna McGeary as Vice Presidents for the PEC term which runs up until the 2026 Biennial Delegate Conference.
Allison and Donna will support Accord’s President, Carol Knowles.

We’re saying goodbye to Richard Joyce who has served as a Vice President for the last four years and will continue as an elected member of the PEC. Richard had this to say:
"It's been an honour and a privilege to serve as a Vice President, and a pleasure working alongside Neil as President and Accord's team. We've left Accord in a stronger position to face the challenges ahead, and I felt now was the right time to step aside and ensure new talent to step up and guide us through the next two years.
I'll continue to serve Accord as a PEC member and look forward to playing my part over the next two years to ensure that Accord remains a vibrant, sustainable, and independent union."
PEC lead on Equality, diversity & inclusion
Sheeba Hamid from Insurance & Wealth division in Halifax, was re-elected unopposed as the PEC lead on equality, diversity & inclusion issues.

You can find a full list of PEC members for the 2024-2026 term here.
Any queries should be referred to [email protected].
Meet the PEC for 2024-2026